City council prohibits K2 substances

The Italy City Council unanimously approved an ordinance prohibiting the sale and possession of K2 and related substances at its monthly meeting Monday evening.

These substances, known as K-2, K-2 Summit, K-2 Sex, Genie, Dascents, Sohai, Sage, Spice, KO Knock-Out2, Spice Gold, Spice Diamond, Yucatan Fire, Solar Flare, Pep Spice, Fire n’ Ice, Déjà Vu, Euphoria 5X by Déjà Vu and Salvia Divinorum, are not yet categorized as illegal controlled substances under state or federal law.

These substances are however, commonly used as an alternative to marijuana, a controlled substance prohibited under state and federal law.

In other business, Lt. David Gray presented council members a proposal to obtain new police vehicles.

Gray said he has two firm offers from two business owners who will donate a squad car to the department in exchange for a logo on the police vehicle.

Gray said this is how many communities are acquiring new police vehicles with tightening budgets.

He said an attorney out of Dallas has agreed to purchase at least one vehicle and is considering the purchase of two vehicles for the department. A local business owner, who wishes to remain anonymous, has agreed to purchase a vehicle as well.

Gray said these would replace the current police vehicles that have more than 100,000 miles on the odometer.

Gray said he planned to purchase Dodge Chargers, which have a V6 engine. He said these vehicles get better gas mileage than the current Ford vehicles. Each vehicle is valued at $33,000.

Greg Richards, council member, said this sounded like a good deal for the city.

Rodney Guthrie, mayor pro tem, told Gray to get specifics in writing from the city attorney and bring a proposal back to the council.

During department reports, C.V. Johns, police chief, gave the monthly report for December. He said the department received 130 calls to service and made 16 arrests. Officers worked/trained 1,186 hours. The animal control officer worked 48.25 hours, responded to 29 calls, issued four citations and seven warnings. The code enforcement officer issued three verbal warnings. The municipal court report indicated the police department issued 251 citations in December.

Mayor Frank Jackson and Murdock were not present at the meeting.