Double meeting for Avalon Water & Sewer Service Corp

The Avalon Water and Sewer Service Corporation (AWSSC) met Monday evening for their regularly scheduled meeting which was preceded by a Member and Election meeting.

The Member and Election meeting took place first. Patsy Russell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and made a last call for submission of ballots. Russell then announced that six members were present and they had a quorum of the membership that the meeting could proceed and announced that the Election Auditor could begin counting the ballots.

Patsy Russell announced the votes for the election of directors for the AWSSC. Harrison Romero (vice president) was voted in with nineteen votes and Robin Donaldson (secretary and treasurer) was voted in with twenty two votes.

Paula Farguhar presented the Financial Report and copies of the current audit prepared by Kendall Stone’s (CPA) office. She reported that the audit was good and did not vary much from last year’s audit. The audit showed no material misstatements and no instances of non-compliance. Financial Report and Audit were accepted, motioned and the motion carried unanimously.

They went on to update reports. Board president (Patsy Russell) did not have a report, nor did they have a corporation manager report, nor an Engineer’s report and no operator’s report.

The meeting adjourned.

The AWSSC regular meeting then began.

The meeting was called to order and began with the realignment of the Board of Directors. Patsy Russell felt that the president needed to be a man and asked that a man take her place as president. David Waishes agreed to take her place, it was motioned and unanimously voted in. Pasty Russell then was voted in as vice-president and Robin Donaldson retained her office as secretary/treasurer.

Regular business of approval of minutes of previous meeting March 8th, review and approval of financial report for payment of current expenses, review of repair invoices, and reconfirmation of the Adoption of Drought Contingency plan were all approved unanimously.

Jessie Munguia (the board’s attorney) discussed his contract saying that he would be their general council. His scope of duties would be to attend board meetings unless asked not to, give legal advice, be available to any board member, provide and prepare any legal documents.

Wendy Frank attended the meeting on Dean Carrell’s behalf since Dean had to attend an Italy City Council meeting. Wendy reported that they had prepared paper work to send to TECQ, along with copies of checks, permit fees, and an engineers proposal to add on to treatment plant. Frank also said that the City of Italy will take on the sludge for Avalon.

After some discussion it was decided to set a money limit of $600.00 for the purchase of a pressure washer for the sewer plant.

With a unanimous vote the board excepted to contract with Republic Service for $7.80 a yard disposal rate for the land fill.

The board was given a price of $169.00 a month for health, life and dental insurance for employee Gregg Rodriguez. They decided to table this until next month to find out how much it would be for just health insurance.

The board then broke for Executive Session to discuss the Gillespie land. One hour later they broke from the Executive Session and said they decided to table the discussion on the Gillespie land.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.