2011 School Board Candidate Questionnaire: Erick Thompson

1) Please tell us a little about yourself (current work, education, experience, background).

My name is Erick Thompson. I am married to Shelly Connor Thompson. I am a 1990 graduate of Waxahachie High School and attended Dallas Baptist University. I have a background in education as well as business and project management. I worked in education and was the athletic director at St. John Catholic School in Ennis from 1996 to 1999. I acquired management skills from the construction field where I was a field superintendent and worked in a high stress, fast-paced environment and managed multiple project budgets. I am currently a business owner of Game on Athletics.

2) What ties do you have at the Italy school district (i.e. children enrolled, family employed, and former student)?

I have two daughters, two nieces and two nephews that are students at Italy Jr High. My wife also attended school in Italy.

3) Why are you seeking a seat on the school board?

To diligently work with the superintendent, board members and school faculty to make improvements and insure our children a quality education and learning environment.

4) What qualifications or experience do you possess that voters should consider?

I possess strong leadership and management skills. I have a great desire to make improvements to our school district and diligently work for our children to insure that they receive a quality education from Italy ISD.

5) What do you consider your primary responsibility as a school board member?

I think that the primary responsibility of the board is to work with the superintendent and other board members to plan and maintain a budget for the district make sure the policies and procedures are up to date and followed.

6) What do you consider the most important issue facing our school today?

Several things come to mind when I think of the issues that our district is facing:

  • The statewide budget shortfall would top my list of concerns;
  • Developing a plan and maintaining consistency in our administration and staff;
  • Discipline; and
  • Parental and community involvement.

7) What do you consider the most positive and negative aspect of being a member of the school board?

I would like to focus on the positive rather than negative aspect in order to move forward, although I do believe that there are presently some negative feelings towards our school district and I would like to see that the board assess these matters and work towards making positive changes to rebuild the image and morale of Italy ISD. With that being said, I look forward to moving our board forward in a positive direction in the future.

8) What do you think should be the top priorities of the school board after this election?

Top priorities would be, but not in any specific order:

  • Supporting and orienting the new superintendent and board members;
  • Improvement in discipline,
  • Increasing attendance and enrollment,
  • Set goals in relation to improving parental and community involvement,
  • Building the moral of student body and staff,
  • Focus on district policies and procedures;
  • Maintaining the budget,
  • Hiring or contracting a grant writer to move our district towards improvements that will allow our students to attend a school that offers the same opportunities of our neighboring school districts.

9.) Are there any policy changes you would seek to implement at the school? If yes, which ones?

I would like to see a policy implemented that our staff not pursue their continued education or college classes during hours that conflict with the daily operation of the school.

10.) What community services have you given the school or community in the past?

I am an active member of the Band Booster Club and I am currently the President of the Athletic Booster Club. As a member of these clubs I coordinated the homecoming parade and I have worked numerous times in concessions.

11.) Explain your position on hiring non-certified teachers?

We always want good quality, certified teachers and I feel like this should only be used as a last resort. With the number of certified teachers seeking jobs in the state, I do not feel that this is going to be an issue.

12) How would you maintain a healthy balance between education and athletics?

I feel that our athletic and educational programs should work hand and hand to insure that our athletes understand the importance of putting their education first. I feel that keeping our students involved in activities, whether it may be athletics, band, or student council, these activities will only keep our kids out of trouble and teach them great leadership skills and values that will benefit them in the future. The key to balancing this is a desire from the districts staff to create a plan for coaches and teachers to encourage our busy students to make education their top priority.

13) Title IX laws pertain to all state funded districts. How do you feel the Italy ISD performs in this area?

I feel that the board should be informed and educated on the regulations of Title IX law. It would be detrimental to ignore the complaints that have been made to administration recently in regards Title IX compliance. Our district should research the law, review the policy and make the necessary changes to comply.

14) Because discipline is a nationwide problem, what ideas or changes would you like to see to continue to improve school discipline?

I feel like a presence of authority is necessary. All events should have an administrator present and possibly law enforcement. Our district should demand that our students and staff present themselves in a manner that is respectable to themselves and each other.

15.) Considering the current state funding crisis, what ideas do you have to keep the budget trim?

The board must constantly monitor the budget and make adjustments when necessary to maintain financial stability. It is important that the board looks at every aspect to consider its importance.

16.) What positive changes within the infrastructure of our schools might be made to retain and/or attract quality teachers to educate our children?

I believe we need to encourage a positive environment within our schools. Negativity must go. Most importantly, I would like to see the moral of students and staff improve.

17.) In what ways can the district’s school board be more open to listen to teachers and parents about their concerns?

As a parent, it has never really been clear to me how I should voice my concerns about our district effectively. I feel that our parents and students could benefit from an orientation yearly explaining district policies and how to address concerns if problems arise. It is especially important at the 7th grade level when our students are being introduced to the High School.

I would like to see our educators and parents attend the board meetings. I feel that this might give everyone an opportunity to know whats happening in our district and give them the opportunity to raise any issues that may need to be addressed. I feel there should be a chain of command for teachers and parents, but ultimately the school board should be aware of the concerns of our community.

18) What incentives, if any, do you think should be implemented to motivate students to improve their performance in the classroom?

I feel the Flex Days that have been exercised are a good incentive to motivate our kids while giving the teachers the opportunity to concentrate more on the students who may need help.

I understand and recognize the commitment needed to be an asset to the Italy School Board. I would appreciate and honor the opportunity to be a part of the board that paves the way for a quality education at Italy ISD.