Jessica Simon is called to the mission field
Jessica Simon — Jessica will soon travel to Mexico and work at Big Heart Ministries. She will leave Texas Oct. 20 and return Dec. 15. (Anne Sutherland)
Have you met Jessica Simon yet? A cheerful young woman of 20 years. A woman with a purpose. She is headed to Reynosa, Mexico for two months on a mission and she could use your help.
One night recently, Jessica was contemplating her life and future plans. She had finished two years at Navarro Junior College and was ready to move on to the next level but didn’t have the matching funds. There was something happening, something moving within her. Hurdles were thrown up at every turn to move down the road to the university level. She didn’t know what direction to take.
Through a lot of prayer and tears she called Big Heart Ministries — a Christian based orphanage with a loving environment in a small town an hour from the Texas border, and made the decision to “Go help the children”. Her long term goal is to teach elementary children, so this fits in just fine. Jessica explained, “It feels like God has something for you and you don’t know what it is and you’re trying to be patient but it’s hard to wait?” How do you know when God is talking? All the arrows point you in the right direction and easily move you along.
“At school, the papers were never at the right hands at the right time to get loans even though I sent them on time. They always seemed to be in another office. It just seemed like roadblocks were being placed in my path,” Simon said. “I take pride in going to school and it has been hard for me to tell people I wasn’t going this semester. But Big Heart Ministries sent a packet of information to me in the same week I called and everything is coming together.”
John 15:16 says, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit — fruit that will last.” (NIV) Jessica has a willingness to serve and obey and that enables her to be useful and do work for Christ. Her responsibilities in Mexico will include washing dishes, watching kids, outreach programs and anything else the children need. Simon currently works at Candy Cane Daycare in Corsicana and explained with a smile, “I will do basically what I do at work just saying, ‘No hablo espanol’ a whole lot.”
Jessica comes from a large family. Parents, Mick and Ramona Simon of Italy, have six children: Sky, April, Jacob, Jessica, Holly and Ethan. The Simons are no stranger to supporting their children as they leave. Sky and Jacob have just returned from tours in Iraq for the military. They are a close family and support Jessica in her endeavors.
“I know the Ministries from going with my parents when I was a kid. We went on a family vacation to the orphanage and helped out. It was great! My dad had gone there earlier with the Deacons from Central Baptist Church.”
Even sister, Holly, is giving a helping hand, “Holly works at the Cotton Patch Restaurant in Corsicana. She gave me all of her tips for one evening.”
Jessica needs help from you. Already donated is a round trip plane ticket and a ride to Houston to catch the plane. She is needing $500 to stay two months in Mexico to work on this mission. “I will stay at the orphanage, you know, eat and sleep there. But they are requiring $250 per month for my stay. That’s where I need a little help,” Jessica said.
If you are interested in supporting this Italy graduate on her mission or supporting Big Heart Ministries, you may write to Jessica at:
P.O. Box 994
Italy, TX 76651
or go to for more information.
Jessica is wonderful young woman with a Christian heart and loving message. She has big, bright eyes with a smile to match. She works hand in hand with children and has mixed emotions about her upcoming trip, “I am excited and a little afraid.” But Jessica has a willingness to serve. She will go wherever God leads her.
Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” (NIV)