Italy city council approves application for $350,000 Block Grant
Grant application budget — Breakdown of total project costs for water improvement project. If CDBG grant is approved, City of Italy must match 10 percent of the $350,000 grant. (City of Italy)
In a called meeting Monday night, the Italy City Council held a public hearing to discuss a Community Development Fund Grant for water system improvements. No citizens were present at the meeting. The council unanimously approved a resolution for the submission of an application for a Texas Community Development Block Grant to the Office of Rural Community Affairs.
Martha Drake of Grant Works told the council that the public hearing and approval of a resolution to submit the grant was a requirement for the grant.
The resolution authorizes the city to file the application for the $350,000 grant to carry out the construction, engineering and general administrative activities of the water system improvements. The resolution also designates the Mayor as the authorized representative in all matters in connection with the application. It also states that $35,000 will be provided by the City as a cash contribution.
“You have been very successful in securing grants every cycle since 1999,” Drake told the council. “You have been awarded grants for water or sewer in 1999, 2002, 2004 and 2005.”
The current application deadline is October 17, 2008 and the city should know before the end of the year if they have been awarded the grant. They are competing with other cities from the North Texas Region only. A Community Development Block Grant could also be spent on constructing a fire station or library or to improve drainage in the city. The city receives the highest points for water and sewer projects.
“The application is for all water infrastructure upgrades and to improve fire protection,” said Chris Metz, Interim Public Work Director. “Phase 1 would be to install 10” pipe from the well to existing lines. Phase 2 would be the Hwy 667 project and the entire east side of town including Venice, Genoa and Milan. It would improve fire protection in that area. Phase 3 would be the Hardeman and Williams area. It would allow fire protection on the back side of this area."
The mayor stated the city employees had a great time at the picnic on Saturday. He thanked the merchants for providing all the food, prizes, bounce house, games and monetary contributions. He said that because of the generosity of the merchants, no city funds were used for the picnic.