Necroplex Haunted House
What kind of monster? — This eerie character welcomes you to his home. (Cindy Sutherland)
Last Saturday night, September 27 there is darkness everywhere. Far off in the night you can hear loud, frightening music. As you get closer to the music you begin to see some filmy light which exposes some very ghoulish looking characters. All of sudden you see children and adults running out the back of a haunted house, and you begin to realize there is a lot of screaming coming from inside the house.
This is of course, Ray Don Mitchell’s Necroplex Haunted House.
There were so many people there having such a great time. Ray Don said, ”This is the best opening week I could ever imagine. Friday night we had a great turn out but we tripled it tonight.”
Jordan Grimes, Jose Rodriguez and Nelson Daniel were just a few of many that ran out the back of that creepy old house. They had this to say, “It was pretty cool, we were scared. There was a lot of weird stuff going on in that house — weird things were grabbing our shirts.”
Some other comments from the thrill seekers were, “It was scary, really scary, someone or something was running after us with a chainsaw. There were all kinds of weird people jumping out at you as you ran for your life.”
You see all the characters that you are meant to see, but there are others that are behind the scenes that you don’t see such as Joey Page.
Joey Page is the special effects man. He is behind the scenes, but what he does is fully seen. Joey is responsible for all the creepy things jumping out at you, all the weird lights and spooky music. Joey has worked at the Thrillvania Haunted House, The Munster House in Waxahachie and eight years at the Cutting Edge Haunted House in Fort Worth, which is one of the world’s largest haunted houses.
Page by trade is a plumber and works at haunted houses for fun. “You have to have fun at what you are doing, fun first, money next. My dream is to work as a special effects technician at Universal Studios.”
Necroplex general admission is $15, tickets on line are $12, a VIP all night pass and go to the front of the line is $30. There is also a fast pass for $20 which allows you to go to the front of the line one time.
“I love to scare people, I think they deserve it and I think they deserve to have a lot of fun. As long as we can have fun out here I will do this for years to come,” said Mitchell.
By the looks of the number of people wanting to be thrilled, Ray Don will be doing this for years to come!