IHS Band brings home the Gold – Again
We’re number 1 — When it comes to band competitions, 1 is the score you want to see. (Margie Davis)
Success has decided to follow the Italy Gladiator Regiment Band wherever it marches! With that kind of following, it’s no wonder the IHS Band stands tall in the winner’s circle shining the brightest gold for this new school year. Last week’s two marching contests affirmed that Italy’s band is making an impression by outscoring all district competitors.
On October 8 the band participated in the Troy Marching Invitational, a contest intended to help bands prepare for the upcoming district UIL Contest. Aside from the written and audio comments recorded by three adjudicators (each judge give bands a rating from 1 — the best, to a 4 — the worst) Italy’s performance Wednesday received the rating: 2-1-2. Considering that the band had competed at this same contest in 2007 and received a 3-2-3 rating, Director Jesus Perez felt the band had made a vast improvement.
With only two days to make the adjustments suggested by the judges at Troy, the band then traveled to Teague on Saturday, October 11, for the 8th Annual Teague Marching Invitational. After a superior performance, the band not only received 1 ratings from all three judges, they were also selected as Best in Class.
Bringing home such a huge trophy was a thrilling experience for all the band members who have put their hearts into lifting Italy High School’s UIL ranking to the top in both marching and concert bands. Last year’s successes put the wheels in motion for an even better sound and half-time program when the band competed in the UIL Marching Competition for the first time in IHS history. The 2007 band received a rating of 2, which was remarkable considering that it was their first UIL marching contest ever. When concert season followed in the spring, the band put away their marching shoes determined to pick up the pace for the UIL Concert Competition. Their hard work paid off with their landslide win of solid 1 ratings in both concert and sight reading. Their goal had been met: they had been crowned a “Sweepstakes” band for the first time in the history of Itaiy High School.
Now the band faces their greatest challenge when they travel to Waco next week for the UIL Region 8 Marching Competition. Director Jesus Perez knows this contest is a tough one, but he feels the students are geared up for another success with all the preparation, practice, and love they have put into accomplishing their goals.
Just experiencing the band’s halftime show at the Gladiator football games has become such a treat for all those that attend. The rich brassy sounds of Santana’s “Oye Como Va”, the drum line’s unique tropical rendition of “St. Thomas”, followed by the deep, soulful sounds of “Caravan” have spectators tapping their feet and moving to the latino beat. And the flag corps sponsor Tina Richards has added new flare to the performance with colorful flags, choreography and new uniforms with capes.
If you haven’t heard or watched the band’s half-time performance, there’s still time as the Italy Gladiator football team moves into district competition through October and November.
We salute “the true beat of Italy’s heart” and wish the best of luck to Italy’s Golden Regiment Band in their Region UIL Competition!
We just got word — the Band received 1s at the Region UIL Contest! Another historic first for IHS and another victory for IISD!