A special wish for one of my kids

Image: Ryan Ashcraft — Happy 16th Birthday, Ryan.

Ryan Ashcraft — Happy 16th Birthday, Ryan.

For the life of me I cannot understand why some young people become so special to me, but it just happens. Out of the blue, a kid will come along that just gets to me. Several years ago Rodney Shaw was that kid. We bonded from the first time we met — he ended up being like a son to me. Since he passed away in 1990, there is an empty spot in my heart.

We were eating at the Busy Bee Cafe in Maypearl this year before a Gladiator game and met Coach Sollers’ mom and dad. His dad asked me if I had a kid playing. My response was, “No, I have 24 playing.” I meant that. I could not love them any more if they were truly mine. They should know that by all the hours I spend baking cookies on the weekends.

Anyway, every once in a while one of these “kids” just bonds with me and every time it has been with the blessing of their parents. Brenda Davis told me many years ago to treat Keith and Dejuan like they were mine and I have done that. I love them and am very proud to have them in my life. They are special.

Well, back to the reason for this column. One of my “kids” has hit a milestone in his life and I wanted to give him a special wish, so I chose this way to do so.

Ryan Ashcraft is 16 years old today and I wanted him and the whole world to know how special he is to me. He makes me laugh with his antics and makes me proud when I see his grades. I scream for him on the football field and the basketball court because he is one of “mine”. I appreciate his parents sharing him with me. I want him to know I will always be here no matter what and I will support him in what ever endeavors he undertakes. I also know he will be a success. Okay, buster, now you cannot let me down because this is in writing!

Happy 16th Birthday, Ryan! Hope you have a great day!

Crazy Karen