Chloe Evan’s fundraiser
Chloe and her dad — Ty Evans and his daughter Chloe. (Cindy Sutherland)
Saturday afternoon Milford ISD was filled with compassionate, loving and caring citizens of Milford, Texas. Everyone came out in support of little Chloe Evan’s need of a hearing aid. The response to her need was heartwarming and heartfelt.
At 11:30 a.m., a spaghetti lunch was served for $6 a plate and after lunch a silent auction took place. There were so many donations for the silent auction the hall was filled. Home made items, cakes, baskets filled with goodies, even a gift card for two to eat free at Moni’s Italian restaurant was donated.
The outpouring of love and concern was overwhelming. Kim Evans, Chloe’s mother said,“I am overwhelmed with the love and generosity from the people of our community.”
Shay Norcross, friend of the Evan’s family, said, “This is a benefit for a wonderful little girl that comes from a wonderful family, who are always giving so much to the community and now it is our turn to give back to them.”
And “give back” they did. They raised $6,000. Delta Morgan, friend of the Evan’s family, said, “For being such a small town I am so excited we were able to raise so much money.”
Ty Evans, Chloe’s father, said, “I am excited about everybody being here. I appreciate them for coming and want to tell them thank you.”
Congratulations Milford citizens, “Ya did good”.