Milford Angel Tree
Angel Tree — This Angel tree already has seven angels on it. (Cindy Sutherland)
The Milford Police department is sponsoring their fifth annual Angel Tree. Today, Monday, November 10th is the first day Milford Police department is taking names of children that are going to need your help with Christmas this year. They already have seven angels on the tree.
If you know any children 12 years of age or younger in the Milford area that you believe should be placed on the Angel Tree contact Chief Phoenix of the Milford Police department at : 972-493-4193. You can pick up the forms to be filled out on your angel at the Milford Police department. On the form you will need to provide a contact name and number for the guardian of the children.
If you would like to adopt an Angel you can pick your Angel from the tree any time during normal business hours. Business hours are: Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Donations of unwrapped toys are also welcome to help with Angels that do not get adopted.
Chief Carlos Phoenix of the Milford Police department stated, “We had about thirty five angels last year. They all got adopted. Some people donated money. There were a few angels that didn’t get adopted, so we took that money and purchased gifts for those little angels. We want to thank everyone that helped make Christmas bright for the children of Milford.”
Come on out and pick your angel and let’s make this a great Christmas for all!