Monolithic conducts compost cover testing for MOR, Inc.
Texas Best Smiles — Accepting a framed, “Thank you,” for their participation in the Monolithic compost cover testing project are “Texas Best Smokehouse" employees Albert Estrada and Rosie Duron. (Barry Byers)
Monolithic has been participating in compost pile studies for the past several months. With recent landfill closings around the country and odorous chicken farms, etc. on the rise, David South was asked to do some independent testing at the request of John Bouey, President of Managed Organic Recycling, Inc. (MOR) based in California. Mr. South has been developing an odor reducing compost cover that can withstand brutal weather conditions while properly containing pungent compost smells.
In order to truly test the odor reducing Monolithic compost covers, Monolithic needed ingredients on a large scale. A larger pile of food waste and wood chips would ensure more energy within the compost mixture. Since the optimal composting temperature ranges between 110º and 160º, Monolithic relied on a little help from its neighbors and local town kitchens.
Therefore, the Monolithic food waste collection drive was organized and a two week partnership between Monolithic and several area businesses and home owners was established during the month of October. The collection schedule required daily (sometimes nightly) trash pick-ups. Each participating party was given a Monolithic trash bin to collect organic food scraps for the Monolithic compost cover pilot study. Monolithic would like to give a sincere, “Thank you,” to the following businesses and residents located in or near the city of Italy, Texas for their assistance and time:
Mamma’s Place – Italy, Texas
Uptown Cafe – Italy, Texas
Texas Best Smokehouse – Italy, Texas
Trinity Mission Health & Rehabilitation Center – Italy, Texas
Monolithic Dome Institute – Italy, Texas
Fran’s Fryers – Milford, Texas
Tessa & Mike South – Italy, Texas
Ann & Ervin Byers – Italy, Texas
Monolithic constructed the In-vessel Aerated Static Pile (IASP) under the guidance of MOR. MOR, an industry leader in compost recycling. David South of Monolithic teamed with MOR to ultimately have a positive global impact. The goal is to convert individual and organically farmed compost piles into nutrient-enriched top soil. A constant replenishment of a properly recycled top soil promotes healthier gardens and crops while keeping our planet whole. Developing a compost cover that makes decomposition faster and more affordable while containing odors and smells is truly what the Monolithic test site is all about.
Just to clarify, the cover worked perfect! Thanks again to everyone who assisted Monolithic in performing the test.