Titus Women’s Club shared coats with many
Happy Coat Recipient — This cute little girl loves her new coat. (Cindy Sutherland)
Titus Women’s Club of Milford worked with Milford ISD and the Milford Angel Tree to determine who might be in need of a coat in the community. They got busy and called those on the list and got coat sizes. They set up the Milford Senior Center as the site to pick up the coats.
Wednesday evening around 6:30 PM many parents and children weathered the windy cold weather and picked up coats for their families.
There were many smiling children, just delighted to get their coats. “We have had a really good turn out and we have been able to help a lot of people in the community that were not able to get coats," stated Jeanne Richard (Titus Women’s Club president).
Shay Norcross, (Titus Women’s Club member) said, “We are here tonight passing out coats and gloves to local children of Milford that are in need. It is a wonderful opportunity to reach out to the community. Everyone is so grateful and happy.”
Twenty five coats, donated by the citizens of Milford, were given away.
Thank you, Titus Women’s Club for sharing the love of Christ for those in need