Mixed Emotions

Something happened last week that has impacted my world with mixed emotions. For some reason, only known to God, my friend Beverly Hamilton, left this earth and went to be with Him. I have mixed emotions about her passing. I am sad yet happy.

Not having her to talk to any longer is very painful. Not having her this week at the Italy Ministerial Alliance food pantry was even more painful. She was the heart and soul of the effort to feed Italy’s people. She was solely responsible for us being a member of the North Texas Food Bank which made a great difference in the number of folks we could feed for a much lower cost. I hope everyone will donate to the food pantry in her memory and honor.

Beverly had a passion for the lost, unloved and hurting of our world. Her love far outreached our city boundaries. She was one of the best examples of a Christian I have ever met. She pushed through her physical pain every day to minister to everyone she came in contact with, not just her church members, but everyone. I am a Baptist, but that did not matter to her. She knew my shortcomings but loved me in spite of them. I will truly miss her.

To her son Michael – I cannot possibly know the pain you are experiencing at this time. What I can tell you is that your mom loved you with all her heart and was very proud of you and your accomplishments. She worried that she could not give you everything you wanted. The thing I know is that she would have given her life for you.

To her parents – I want you to know that your daughter lived every day as the Bible instructed – she loved unconditionally no matter who you were or what your social status was. She would do without so others would not have to. She fed those in our community physically and spiritually. At the food pantry every week, we prayed for the needs of those that came in. That not only fed their stomachs, it fed their souls. I pray you realize what an impact she had on so many of us.

As smart as Beverly was, she could have been anything or done anything, but she was called to be a minister and she answered that call willingly. She could have made more money doing something else, but she knew she was obeying God and that was more important to her. Her crown in heaven must be so heavy that angels help hold it on her head!

To her church – If we can do anything to help any of you, please call us. We want to help. We want to thank you for allowing us to house the food pantry at the Methodist Church. It is a ministry that is far reaching.

I am sad because I will miss my friend. I received the last e-mail she sent me on the morning of her death. I will just hang onto it for now. I am very sad. On the other hand, I am so happy that she is in the presence of the Lord she served for faithfully and she loved so much. I almost envy her because of that. I will always be grateful to God for placing Rev. Bev in my life. When I think of that gift – I know I did not deserve it but He loved me so much he gave it anyway. The end for now.