IHS graduate does well in college-gives advice to fellow students
Courtnei Robinson — Majoring in psychology at North Texas University, Courtnei Robinson graduated from Italy High School with a good foundation. Her favorite subjects were math and band and gives credit to her influential teachers at IHS. (submitted photo)
Courtnei Robinson has what it takes. Currently a sophomore at University of North Texas with a 3.7 gpa. She’s made the Dean’s List.
Courtnei Robinson graduated from Italy High School in May 2007 and made a trip to the “big city”. University of North Texas in Denton was a whole new place and a bigger city than she had ever lived in. Robinson is now a sophomore majoring in psychology and minoring in counseling. “Once I graduate, I would like to first use my counseling degree to counsel all kinds of people, from families to one on one time with individuals. While doing that I plan to get my Masters and Doctoral degree and become a psychologist, assisting everyone in any way I can,” Robinson said.
Not only is she taking classes to achieve her goal, Robinson is the assistant Vice President of programs in their student council Family Relations department. Courtnei is a mentor in the UNT’s “buddy system” program. She’s in the volunteer program at her school as well as church. She is in the church choir and on the Usher Board. Courtnei is a busy young lady.
Courtnei Shenay Robinson was born April 9, 1989 at 4:02 am at Parkland Hospital in Dallas. She started school in Italy in the first grade. According to her mom, Felicia Burkhalter, Stafford Elementary’s librarian, Courtnei has always tried to analyze and solve people’s problems. “She has known since she was a child that she wanted to become a psychologist,” Burkhalter said.
“I feel that Italy High School has prepared me for college in countless of ways. Being in AP classes for one, helped me learn how to train my mind to think outside of the box and to challenge myself while overcoming those challenges,” Robinson said. In high school Courtnei had good role models. “Teachers that influenced me were Mrs. Bridge, who gave me very helpful words of wisdom my senior year.” Mrs. Marjorie Bridge, biology teacher at Italy High School and a favorite among students, told Robinson to stop second guessing herself and just realize that she is a brilliant student. “This piece of advice will always stay with me and the moment I feel myself starting to second guess, I will always think of her kind words,” Courtnei explained. “Another teacher that influenced me was Mrs. Richards. I always felt that she believed in me and was always encouraging.” There is was one more great influence in her life that Courtnei wanted to mention and that is Jesus Perez, IHS Band instructor. “Although he came to Italy High School my senior year, he was, and is still a very passionate Band Director who genuinely loves what he does.”
Courtnei recommends that freshmen live in a dorm for the first year, “I currently live in a really nice apartment with 3 of my friends. However, I did stay in a dorm my first year and experienced the best times of my life. This is the perfect way to meet many of your lifetime friends.” She also wants tell high school students that college life is different than high school, “It’s not so much about competing in college for a certain rank, but rather focusing on yourself and your own grades and goals. There is also a lot more in general to do in college and that’s why I recommend everyone attend college, at least for a little while.”
Overall, Robinson enjoyed going to school in Italy and is having the time of her life seeing the world from a “mean green” point of view.