Italy Lions Club teams up with the Lone Star BBQ Society
Mike Blackburn — Mike Blackburn showing us his delicious brisket that earned him first place in the Brisket category. Mike is from Crandall, Texas. (Cindy Sutherland)
This is the Place — Italy Lions Club marked the spot with their sign to say you are at the right place. (Cindy Sutherland)
Judges — These judges were judging the final round of chicken. Glenda Bowling (at the very back of the table) said,“I am the head judge for the Lone Star BBQ Society and am running the cook off. I have been doing this for four years. We do these cook-offs to help raise money for charities.” (Cindy Sutherland)
Arval and his wife — Arval Gowin said, “We will be back next year. We had a great turn out and can’t wait to do it again.” (Cindy Sutherland)
RV’s Galore — The Upchurch baseball fields were covered with RV’s and grills. (Cindy Sutherland)
RV’s and Grills — This is where the cooking took place. (Cindy Sutherland)
More Cooking — Another cooker. (Cindy Sutherland)
Steamwork — Gary Wood (on the right) and Jason Escamilla monitor the grill overnight at Upchurch Field. Gary Wood won 2nd place in the “Local Bragging Rights.” category that was a contest just for Italy cookers only. (Submitted photo)
Lillie and Melissa — Savoring at the mouth for Texas BBQ are Lillie Perry and Melissa Souder. (Gary Wood)
Melissa and Misty — Melissa Souder and Misty Escamilla hang out at Gary Wood’s Grill the night before the judging. (Gary Wood)
We found it! — Bailey Walton, Justin Wood and Zain Byers have a nose for BBQ. The event even attracted BBQ eaters from out-of-state. (Gary Wood)
Enjoying the day — Enjoying the day with Gary Wood are his friends and family. (Gary Wood)
Gary’s crew — Local Griller Gary Wood had plenty of friends showing their support while he slowly smoked the BBQ. (Gary Wood)
Smoked out — It takes a long time to smoke a barbeque just right. For Bryce Deborde it took a very long time as he dreams of that first bite from Gary Wood’s barbeque grill. (Barry Byers)