Abbott Metal Craft
John Abbott — John Abbot is the owner of Abbot Metal Craft, located in Forreston, Texas. (Cindy Sutherland)
John Abbott is the owner of Abbott Metal Craft located in Forreston, Texas. He began his business in Erie, Michigan in 1978. Abbott’s business consists of making metal products in his welding and machine shop. In 1980 due to the bad economy he closed his business and reopened it in 2006 in Virginia Beach, Virginia. In January of 2009 Abbott moved his business to Forreston.
Abbot manufactures Star Trellises. His Star Trellises are made of metal, come in five different colors (red, green, white, black and blue), are seventy two inches tall – thirty six inches wide and weigh thirteen pounds. They are ideal for climbing flowers such as roses, and any climbing vegetables you grow in your garden. “I came up with Star Trellises when I was reading in the garden section of the newspaper that it is the right time of year to plant pole beans and I needed something for my vegetables to climb on.” John went on to say, “Because of the economy more people are growing gardens.” Right now the Star Trellises have star designs on them but he is currently working on a new design of a Texas long horn steer – horns with a Texas T in the middle. Each Star Trellis is forty five dollars, if you order ten or more they are forty dollars each.
Abbott’s long range goal is to obtain certification from the State of Texas to be an instructor. He would then train students in the occupation of welding and machining by setting up a four year apprenticeship which when completed students would be a journeyman as a welder or a machinist. Abbott said, “It makes me happy to teach people who ordinarily would not have the opportunity to learn a skilled trade so they can earn a good living for themselves and their family.”
If you would like to order a Star Trellis call John at: 757-990-9660 or email him at:[email protected]. His website is: