City of Italy Park Board Meeting

The Park Board Committee met Tuesday evening April 7th, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Italy City Hall. Members present were: Stephanie Wilson, Susan Harris, Bruce Utley, Jason Escamilla and Janet Campbell.

Agenda items discussed were the Mayor’s Easter Egg Hunt and the new park equipment.

After much discussion of having pictures taken at the Mayor’s Easter Egg Hunt it was decided to check with McGraw Clark Studio to see if they would like to set up a small area and take pictures of the kids with the Easter Bunny. They also discussed what needed to be done in preparing for the egg hunt. It was decided to check with the Italy High School and see if some of the National Honor Society students would like to earn community service hours by volunteering their time at the egg hunt by hiding eggs and helping with the kids.

Next up on the agenda was the new park equipment. It was decided to measure the equipment so they could decide what size of a concrete pad was needed. It also was decided to do some research to find out what they needed to do to make the park handicap accessible. The use of pea gravel was also discussed but was tabled until they learned more about the rules for making the park handicap accessible.

The next called meeting will be Tuesday, April 21, 2009.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Park Board members are: Stephanie Wilson (President), Susan Harris (Vice President), Bruce Utley (Treasurer), Jason Escamilla, Janet Campbell, Tina Haight, Shredrick Walker, Pastor Preston Dixon, and Clover Stiles.