Team Cheer Garage Sale
Cheerleaders and Their Leader — Winona Crumpton (high school cheer sponsor) and two of her cheerleaders. (Cindy Sutherland)
The cheerleaders of Milford ISD are walking in the Relay for Life walk on May 15th, 2009. The name of their team is Team Cheer.
The cheerleaders are having a garage sale for the American Cancer Society on Saturday, April 18th from 10 to 3 at the Milford city park.
Laura Harvey (cheerleader) said, “We can’t wait to walk in the relay. But it isn’t about the walk it is about the money needed to help people with cancer. That is why we are having this garage sale.”
I’m proud that our cheerleaders are becoming a leader outside of school and helping a worthwhile cause. It’s not enough to just show up to football and basketball games and cheer. Our students need to be a visible force in our communities and tackling causes for good," explained Khristy Strange (Assistant Principal).
If you would like to make any donations of garage sale items or monetary donations please call Winonna Crumpton (Milford High School Cheer Sponsor) at: 972-493-2911. She is heading up the garage sale along with the Cheer Captain, Tapley Strange.
Come on out this Saturday, buy a few items and help a great cause.