Park Board prepares for grand opening of the park

The May 5th, Park Board meeting began with the board approving the minutes from meetings held April 7 and April 21.

Drawings for terms of office for Tina Haight and Pastor Dixon were drawn and approved by the board.

Next up on the agenda was discussion regarding the KaBOOM project. KaBOOM is a national non-profit organization that empowers communities to build playgrounds. Home Depot is one of the many generous supporters for KaBOOM and sends employee volunteers to build playgrounds.

Ronda Cockerham, assistant city secretary/administrator, stated that she met with Carrie and Aaron from Home Depot to take an inventory of items already at the location. The item inventory included: 2 grills, 2 picnic tables, 2 spring toys, some trash cans, water fountain, bike rack, play equipment and gravel donated by the county.

Home Depot is donating rubber mulch, a fence material, concrete, bushes, trees, flowers and the labor for the installation of the new playground equipment and all of the above.

Cockerham said, "Before KaBOOM can do anything the gravel, timbers, trees, fences and old playground equipment has to be removed. Mayor Jackson said the city will get rid of the gravel, the timbers, and the old equipment. They will also need the placement of everything to go in the park from the committee. She also said that Home Depot would like to have a “wish list” of items wanted for the park. After much discussion it was decided that benches, bleachers, concrete for the extension of the basketball goal and court markings, stepping stones, electrical box, sun shade, timbers, flag and flag pole would be put on the wish list.

Cockerham also said that liability is no longer an issue because the school had the general liability that would cover everything that was needed on the park.

She also said that Jason Escamilla came out to the park the end of last week and looked at the power pole. He said the pole is the school’s pole. It would be very costly to move the pole to a different location. To move the pole from where it is and over to the corner would cost around twelve hundred dollars. He suggested a meter pedestal. He said it cost about five hundred dollars and would be installed under the ground and it converts from the pole to the transformer. Cockerham said the box stands about three feet high and takes up less space. Home Depot said they could provide the pedestal.

The board decided to table the date for the grand opening to the next meeting. It was decided that Clover Styles and Janet Campbell would contact Mr. Malone and explain the park plans to him.

Janet Campbell suggested to have a flag and flagpole installed for the grand opening. It was suggested that the Boy Scouts could come do the flag raising.

The Italy Park Boad will meet again on Tuesday, June 2, at 6:30 p.m. in the council chambers.

Members not present were Tina Haight, Pastor Dixon and Jason Escamilla.