Council accepts bid to repair Park and Poplar streets

The Italy City Council approved a bid from Lindsey Contractors of Waco to pave Park Street and the western portion of Poplar Street at its monthly meeting Monday evening.

The city received six bids for the project. The lowest bid, from Lindsey, was $113,320. Other bids were from Advanced Paving Company of Dallas, Brock Paving Industries of Southlake, Access Paving of Addison, JK Excavation of Italy and JRJ Paving of Dallas.

Mr. and Mrs. Javier Gonzales requested the city trade property with them on Dilworth Street. The couple owns the property in front of the second entrance to Upchurch Park. They purchased the adjoining property on Dilworth where a mobile home set several years ago. Gonzales requested the city abandon the street “project” that would cut his property in half.

Mayor Frank Jackson said the street was not a planned project but an established piece of city property.

Brad Chambers, public works director, said they could use the property the Gonzales’ wanted to trade as a parking lot. Jackson reiterated that the property in question belongs to the city. The council tabled the item pending further investigation.

The council updated fees for building permits and inspection fees. Teri Murdock, city administrator/secretary, presented a proposal adding 15% and 25% administrative fees. The council approved the fee change with the 15% administrative fees included. She said this fee is lower than many of the surrounding areas.

Michael Boren with the Dallas Regional Census Center addressed the council regarding the upcoming census. He explained the Dallas RCC prefers hiring local residents to canvas the area.

In other business, the council approved an ordinance (090511-1) for Substandard Building and signed an Interlocal agreement between the city and the Ellis County Emergency Service District #3 for a fire chief and fire inspection services.

Department reports for April
Police officers were called into service 153 times and officers worked 1296 hours.

The animal control officer worked nine calls, issued two citations and three warnings.

The code enforcement officer received five complaints, took action on four of them, which are now in compliance. The officer found 43 other violations and issued both verbal and written warnings.

Chambers said the city repaired two-water service line leaks and one main line leak. He said he expects to see a drastic reduction in water loss by June. He said he is also working on plans to rebuild a concession stand at Upchurch Field.

The municipal court filed 434 citations from the police department and cleared 27 warrants.

Murdock said she is completing the DCI contract for garbage collection. She said Ronda Cockerham is working with Texas Workforce regarding a fully funded summer youth employment program for those between 14 and 24 years of age. The pay is $7.25 per hour and will last until Sept. 30 or until funds are depleted.

Jackson said the park board is working with KaBoom to update the park on College Street. He said this group of volunteers will tear down the old equipment and install the new equipment. This project completion date is set for June 2.

The council will meet on May 18 to administer the oath of office and appoint council members to oversee the various city departments.