Italy makes impression at Regional track meet
Jimesha Reed — Jimesha Reed didn’t hold anything back at Regional throwing a personal best.
Mom and Superstar — Brendetta Reed and her Regional track qualifying, superstar daughter, Jimesha Reed.
John Isaac — Leaping to a personal best distance of 42’ 10 3/4” in the triple jump is Italy’s John Isaac.
Kaitlyn Rossa — Rossa was nervous but confident as she gets set to compete in the 1600 meter run.
Rossa rounds the turn — Freshman Kaitlyn Rossa finished in 5th Place at Regionals.
In the pack — Kaitlyn Rossa tries to find some space during her 1600 meter event. Rossa improved on her personal best time by 17 seconds.
Ryan Ashcraft — Ashcraft stretches out before his big race at the Regional Track & Field meet at Palestine.
Ryan’s a warrior — Ryan Ashcraft overcame a rolled ankle while warming up in order to compete in the 1600 meter event. Ashcraft demonstrated how a Gladiator never gives up, never gives in and never stops believing.
Ryan rambles — Ryan Ashcraft muscles all the way to the finish line turning in a strong showing while representing IHS in Palestine.