ECEYA to have a fundraiser horse show

Ellis County Equine Youth Association (ECEYA) will have a Fundraiser Fun Show on July 25. The show will begin at 9:00 a.m. and will be held at the Flying Dollar Ranch Arena. All horse kids are invited to come compete in halter, western, English, yearling, and speed events.

There will be lots of prizes from local sponsors. The entry fee will be $6 per class, or $45 for an all day fee. Concessions will be available. Call Julie at 972-483-7774 for more information. Proceeds benefit the ECEYA . The Flying Dollar Ranch is located at 230 Chambers Drive, Italy.

Also, during this event there will be a “Tack Swap.” Get your old show or western clothes, boots, used bridles, bits, or even new things together for the ECEA Tack Swap, to be held in conjunction with the Youth Fundraiser Show. Everyone is welcome with no vendor fee. Bring your own table, tent and racks, etc, if you will have a big display. If you only have a few items, we can probably find room on a shared table.

If you need some horsey stuff at good prices, come shop and watch the kids compete! Call Becky if you would like more details at 972-977-2058.