Ellis County recognized by National Association of Counties
2009 National Association of Counties Achievement Award — Back, Commissioner Bill Dodson, pct. 2
L – R: Commissioner Dennis Robinson, pct. 1; Human Services Director Diana
Buckley; Hope Clinic Executive Director Mackie Owens; County Judge Carol
Bush; Hope Clinic Board Member Dr. Jeff Kosoris; Commissioner Heath Sims,
pct. 3; Commissioner Ron Brown, pct. 4.
Ellis County has been awarded a 2009 National Association of Counties Achievement Award for its Indigent Health Care Program partnership with Hope Clinic.
“In this 40th year of the Achievement Award program, NACo is extremely pleased with the high caliber of county programs and projects,” stated Larry Naake, Executive Director of NACo via letter. “NACo is proud to confer this award and recognize your county’s hard work to promote quality, efficient, and responsive management and administration.”
Human Services Director Diana Buckley announced the award during Monday’s regularly scheduled meeting of the Commissioners’ Court.
“As you know, we have contracted with Hope Clinic since 2005 to provide primary care and pharmacy services to clients in our indigent health care program,” Buckley said. “It has been a very effective partnership, and it is nice to get this recognition on the national level.”
The partnership has reduced reliance on area emergency rooms as well as leveraging tax dollars to allow the clinic to provide primary care to many more residents who do not qualify for the indigent program.
Hope Clinic Executive Director Mackie Owens and Board Member Dr. Jeff Kosoris were on hand to hear the announcement as well. County Judge Carol Bush took the opportunity to present them with an award certificate.
“This is certainly a worthy program, and one I am proud to be a part of, as are the Commissioners,” said Bush. “Dr. Kosoris, I know how much work went into getting this partnership established and Mackie, I know how much work there is in the day to day operations. Thank you for your efforts.”
Commissioner Bill Dodson, pct. 2, was appointed to represent the Court on the Board of Directors for the Ellis County SPCA, replacing Commissioner Ron Brown, pct. 4. Brown had served in that capacity since the inception of the Ellis County SPCA several years ago.
Commissioners also voted to deem an assortment of old engines, transmissions and brake rotors as surplus in order to sell the materials as scrap metal.
“They have been building up for quite a while, and there is sufficient enough now to interest somebody to bid on it,” said Purchasing Agent Richard Denniston. “We want to go ahead and put that out for bid.”
Commissioners granted a variance from County of Ellis Rules, Regulations, and Specifications for Subdivisions and Manufactured Homes relating to lot size requirements, a variance relating to fire hydrant requirements, and a replat, all for the Pleasant Acres Addition in precinct 1.
“This property was platted back in the 1970’s before the department was even established,” said Department of Development Director Delton Ake. “The plat is showing roads that were never built. The property was never developed. We have a person that wants to purchase this whole subdivision and they want to replat so they can utilize the property.”
While some lots will remain undersized, the end result will be a positive one. “We are eliminating 40 lots,” said Commissioner Dennis Robinson, pct. 1. “It will end up being seven lots instead.”
In other business, the Court:
- Heard a presentation from Aaron Alarcon of Catholic Charities of Dallas regarding the organization’s application for a grant with the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, with no action taken;
- Authorized the Sheriff’s Office to apply for a Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant with the U.S. Department of Justice;
- Took no action on a proposal to seek membership with the Ellis/Dallas Unified Cooperative Team (EDUCT);
- Approved invoices or limestone flex base purchased on the spot market during a 60 day period in which no blanket purchase order was in place;
- Awarded the bid for demolition of two residential homes and residential structures to Nationwide of Fort Worth for $13,999.99; and
- Granted a variance under the Department of Development relating to road frontage requirements having to do with installation of an individual water well in pct. 2.