Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee met July 13, 2009

On Monday, July 13, the Ellis County Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee gathered for its quarterly meeting to hear an update on the progress of the county’s new facilities, being constructed under a bond package approved by voters in May of 2007.

“I would like to say thank you so much for your willingness to serve in this capacity,” said County Judge Carol Bush. “Everything is going exceptionally well, and this project is going to do much to help restore confidence in the community.”

Bush has worked closely with County Engineer Joe White and Jones Lang LaSalle Project Manager Jon Vidaurri since her appointment to the office in April.

“We had an opportunity to go last week and tour the facility again – it was my third or fourth time – and it is amazing to see the progress,” Bush said.

Vidaurri walked the committee through his detailed report of the progress of the facilities, including the tunnel approved by the Commissioners’ Court in March that supplies the final link in secure prisoner transport from the jail to the new courts building.

“It was with great wisdom and foresight that the Commissioners voted unanimously to take advantage of their current buying power and construct the tunnel at the corner of Jackson and Jefferson,”

Vidaurri said. “It was part of the original master plan, we wanted to add it when we could, and the interest accrued over time to allow it.” Vidaurri said the entire project is only three days behind schedule, but a recovery plan is in already in place to recoup that time. The project is within budget, as well.

“It is important to note how critical the City’s cooperation has been in helping us throughout this project, especially bringing the tunnel across that busy, busy intersection,” said Vidaurri.

“Thank you, you’ve done a good job, a great job,” said Committee Co-Chair Roy Orr. “It is pleasing to see that it is still on time and in budget.”

The committee will next gather on October 5, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. in the second floor courtroom of the Historic Courthouse in downtown Waxahachie.
Members of the public are encouraged to attend the meeting.