Milford has Heart
Joseph Chadwick — “We are trying to raise money for Casey Valdez to help with her medical expenses.” Joseph thought nothing of standing in the hot sun for three hours in the middle of the highway to raise money for his friends. (Cindy Sutherland)
The benefit for Casey Valdez took place this past Saturday evening around 5:00 PM. Everyone was there. The Milford Senior Citizens Hall was filled with people purchasing the barbeque dinners.
Next to the Milford Police Department was where the Silent Auction was held and everyone was busy putting bids in on all of the donated items.
Nicolas Rojas and Sergio Sanchez were there playing their guitars and singing their hearts out for everyone to enjoy. Nic Rojas said, “We jumped at the chance to do it and we are glad we are here to be a part of it and help these nice folks out.” Nic and Sergio donated their services playing at the benefit.
Mayor Knight was there and had this to say, "I think this is a wonderful idea to help out one of our own. That is the nice thing about living in this community. The citizens of Milford always want to pitch in and help people during their time of need.
Manny Valdez, Casey’s husband said, “I want to thank everyone for coming out. We appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts. It really does mean a lot to us. It is very tough. On a daily basis her health changes, we have more ups now than downs. Hopefully it will stay that way. We turn to God to get us through.”
Casey Valdez said, “I want to thank everyone for coming out and supporting us through this hard time. I am feeling excellent, the chemo has actually made me feel a lot better. I have my appetite back and am gaining weight. I have a few more chemo treatments and some radiation in between and the treatments will be over. The cancer should be in remission at the end of the treatments. It is a very curable, treatable cancer.”
Casey was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma cancer and this brought on lots of medical expenses. But thanks to the kind people of Milford their financial burden will be a little lighter as $2,700.00 was raised at the benefit Saturday night.
The people of Milford “have heart.” Job well done.