Special visitors in Italy
L-R: Sandra Saxon, Doris Mitchell, Paul Bottalico, Sandy Eubank and Karen Mathiowetz — Paul enjoyed his visit to Italy and the folks at the Uptown Cafe.
Last Friday, Italy welcomed two very special visitors to town. Paul Bottalico and his friend, Rose, were visiting from Santa Ana, California. At one time, Paul had very strong family ties to the “Biggest Little Town in Texas”.
Before her death, Marge Wooten, Paul’s mother, called Italy home. At one time she, along with Joe Paiano, Bob Andriotta and Mike Maida were the only true Italians that lived here. Marge was famous around town for her homemade spaghetti sauce and authentic Italian cuisine.
Paul and Rose enjoyed their visit with Sandy at the Uptown Café. They also enjoyed looking at all the historical photographs that don the walls in the café.
Hopefully, they will return one day to visit again.