Public hearings held

Three public hearings in Commissioners’ Court passed without public comment on Monday, September 8.

First up was a proposed archive fee of $5.00 to be collected by the County Clerk’s Office.

“This is a fee that we’ve had several years, a user fee,” said County Clerk Cindy Polley. “It helps us to pay for the archival of older documents. It is paid at the time of recording a document or filing a case.”

A similar fee for the District Clerk was also on the agenda, to be collected on filing of civil and criminal cases in that office.

“This is a new fee for us, also $5.00,” said District Clerk Melanie Reed. “We are in a bind technology-wise, and this is going to help us tremendously.”

Later in the meeting, the Court voted to approve both of the proposed fees.

Public hearing was also held regarding the proposed tax rate for fiscal year 2009-2010, pursuant to Commissioners’ Court announcement on August 10, 2009 (minute order 301.09). The proposed tax rate is the same as it was in fiscal year 2008-2009. The Court will vote on the rate in its next regularly-scheduled meeting on Monday, September 14, after a second public hearing. A record vote was taken previously, ensuring that the adopted rate cannot be any higher than the proposed rate.

Elections Administrator Jane Anderson received approval for a change in early voting locations in Red Oak, from the old elementary school to the old junior high school.

“After consideration, we felt that this would be a better place,” Anderson said. “It will be easily located by voters.”

The Court also authorized the County Judge to sign two utility easements associated with the construction of the new Ellis County Sub Courthouse located in Ennis.