Thank you from the Wood family
Justin Wood’s teammates won’t give him a break about his injury — Justin Wood is the kind of kid that would give his right arm to play Gladiator football, unfortunately, a break in his left arm will keep Justin out of the lineup during his 8th Grade season. Returning to school on Wednesday, Justin did get to spend time with teammates Zain Byers, Sampson Maldonado and Bailey Walton after practice.
The family of Justin Wood would like to express a sincere thank you to Coach Craig Bales and his Italy High School coaching staff, along with Stafford Elementary nurse Rita Garza, for their effective handling of Justin when he was injured during football practice two weeks ago.
Also, Justin and his family would like to thank everyone for keeping Justin in their thoughts and for all the well wishes.
Justin, #44 for the Italy Junior High 8th Grade football team, suffered a severe break in his left arm during drills. The Baylor Medical Center at Waxahachie credited the fast actions of the coaches and Garza for making certain the extent of the injury was held at a minimum.
Doctor Marcus Roux, MD, of Orthopedic Associates in Waxahachie, is trying to avoid surgery at this point hoping the bones will set and began to heal. Justin will have another x-ray next week to see if surgery, requiring two rods, will be required.
Justin loves football and is understandably disappointed he will be unable to help his teammates this season. However, Justin has handled the situation with class and maturity and should be healed in time for basketball. Doctor Roux expects Justin to have a full recovery, with or without surgery.
It’s hard not to feel sorry for all the teams Justin will face on the grid-iron next season as he will undoubtedly be taking out his frustrations on them…