IHS Band seniors honored at halftime
Drum majors are ready — Molly and Jessica agree their band is ready. (Anne Sutherland)
The band performs — The IHS Gladiator Regiment Band advanced to Area for the first time in school history. (Anne Sutherland)
Flag corp is ready (Anne Sutherland)
Listen to the horns — During the halftime performance, the trumpets stand tall and proud. (Anne Sutherland)
Yesenia — Yesenia Sam and her family are ready for graduation. (Anne Sutherland)
Collier — Collier Jacinto and his family were presented a graduating rose. (Anne Sutherland)
Brandon — Brandon Owens and his family were presented to the crowd during halftime. (Anne Sutherland)
Batman begins — The band plays their award winning performance during halftime Friday night. (Anne Sutherland)