Oodles of Noodles helps Italy Band meet their financial goal
Emily has style — Emily Stiles shows off the keylime pie that was auctioned for $150. The Gladiator Regiment Band sponsored “Oodles of Noodles” Spaghetti Dinner at the Uptown Cafe Saturday night. All proceeds go towards the band’s expenses during the year. (Anne Sutherland)
Three little chefs — Laura Luna, Drenda Burk and Maria Luna work the dessert table at Oodles of Noodles Italy Band feast. (Anne Sutherland)
Having fun — Miss Birdie Bell, Clover Stiles and Kathy Haight watch as the auction items bring in the money for the Italy Regiment Band. (Anne Sutherland)
The Winner! — Billy Burkhalter delivers the flat-screen TV to the winning ticket, Steve Chambers a.k.a. “John Deere”. (Anne Sutherland)
The smiles are still there even during cleanup — Laura Luna, Yonaton Davila and Braulio Luna handle the suds during the cleanup part of the evening. (Anne Sutherland)
Emcee Billy B — The crowd was entertained while Billy Burkhalter took the lead as emcee Saturday night. (Anne Sutherland)