Italy ISD scramble heifer participants impress the judges
Scramble Heifer trophy — Italy FFA members brought back several of these from the Houston Livestock Show™.
Scramble Heifer:
Everyone knows a story of a tremendous catch in the calf scramble at RodeoHouston™. Those lucky Texas 4-H and FFA members return to the next year’s Houston Livestock Show™ to compete in the Junior Scramble Heifer Show.
Scramble classes are limited to the previous year’s Calf Scramble certificate winners. The heifers compete in both beef and dairy breeds. Each category names a Champion Female, that moves on to the Grand Champion Female judging. Exhibitors compete for honor and high premiums in this rewarding cattle show.
Results from the Houston Livestock Show™ prove Italy FFA’s scramble heifer participants, under the guidance of 2nd year Ag Teacher Sonny Dickerson, are outstanding in their field:
Omar Estrada – won 1st in his division and took Reserve Champion
Bailey Bumpus – won 1st in her division
Jon Walton – won 1st in his division
Brandon Souder – won 3rd in his division
David Garner was awarded the “hard luck award” at the calf scramble and has received a certificate to purchase a heifer to show in Houston next year.
The Italy FFA scramble heifer participants enjoyed a banquet which included a speech by Dr. Red Duke in which he encouraged the students to always try their best and never give up.
Junior Livestock Show results:
Jon Walton won 2nd in the Horned Hereford class
Omar Estrada won 1st in Class in the Polled Hereford
Bailey Bumpus participated in the Shorthorn division
David Garner participated in the Shorthorn division
Molly Haight participated in the Light Weight Cross Hog division
Jaclynn Lewis participated in the Lamb division