Union Missionary Baptist Church Hosts Groundbreaking Service

Image: Pastors Dixon, Isaac and Davis do the honors — Pastors Preston Dixon, Algua Isaac and Denny Davis gather together to dedicate the new church.

Pastors Dixon, Isaac and Davis do the honors — Pastors Preston Dixon, Algua Isaac and Denny Davis gather together to dedicate the new church. (Anne Sutherland)

Upon this rock I build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

Pastor Algua R. Isaac, church family and friends gathered at the Union Missionary Baptist Church on Williams Street on Saturday morning to hold a dedication service for their new church. The new site is located on Derrs Chapel Road across from the Trinity Mission Health and Rehab. Pastor Isaac welcomed Pastor Denny D. Davis, guest speaker, from St. John Baptist Church in Grand Prairie and Southlake to give a special message to the group.

Pastor Davis encouraged the members, “The kingdom of God transcends the kingdom of this world. God has provided you an opportunity for this groundbreaking, He has provided the resources to build and God will provide the means. Remember that slogan, ‘No pain, no gain’. Be encouraged and remember that with progress comes a great price tag and there will be pressures surrounding you as you build this new church.”

Pastor Davis also said, “Big things come in small packages, you may be small in sight but are mighty in strength.” Davis was referring to the hard economic times. Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst.

Pastor Isaac reminded the church family of how long the current building had stood and all the good memories but also said, “This building was built 107 years ago and it has served its purpose. To God be the glory.”

Isaac went on to say, “To give you more insight on how all of this came about, after I became Pastor here, more and more renovations were being done to accommodate the members. The membership began to increase and more space was needed for the different ministries to meet. We all began to pray and fast more to seek what the Lord would have us to do. God gave the vision to build, Without a vision the people shall perish. Members started to sacrifice and give more than tithes and offerings to make this vision become reality. We began to look for property within the city. Within 3-4 years, we had more than enough to purchase the property on Derrs Chapel Road (10 acres). We continue to give sacrificial and that has brought us to this point. Praise be to God.”

After the service, the congregation gathered into a caravan and traveled to the new site on Derrs Chapel Road for the official groundbreaking ceremony, where Pastor Isaac, Pastor Davis and Pastor Preston Dixon picked up shovels and turned the dirt for the new church.

Deacons and other members gathered around and helped with this dedication. Pastor Isaac said, “The land has been sectioned to prepare for the laying of the foundation and the building should start shortly. God has continued to bless us from the beginning and we know without a shadow of a doubt that He will continue to bless.”

A reception followed the ceremony at the church on Williams Street.

If you are interested in becoming apart of this dynamic congregation, the church meets at 725 Williams Street and the phone number is 972-483-6370 for service times. You can reach Pastor Isaac at [email protected].