Legal Notice: Routine Monitoring Violation (TCR 23/24)

This notice appeared in the Waxahachie Daily Light on Wednesday, April 14, 2010.


(TCR 23/24)

City of Italy Water Supply PWD ID# 0700028 failed to collect the required number of bacteriological samples for coliform monitoring of the water distribution system during March 2010. This monitoring is required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s “Drinking Water Standards” and the federal “Safe Drinking Water Act,” Public Law 95-523.

Bacteriological samples are used to monitor water quality and indicate if the water is free of coliform bacteria. Our water system is required to submit 2 required monthly distribution bacteriological samples each month. Failure to collect all required bacteriological samples is a violation of the monitoring requirements and we are required to notify you of this violation.

If you have any questions regarding this violation, you may contact Italy City Hall at 972/483-7329.