City council hires public works director
New Public Works director — Italy City Administrator Teri Murdock congratulates Scott Perry, newly hired public works director. (Alysa Kirton)
The Italy City Council hired Scott Perry as the new public works director at a called council meeting Monday evening.
Mayor Frank Jackson said the city received about 11 applications for the position with only half of them having required certification.
The council spent a little more than an hour in closed session interviewing Perry. Once returning into open session, Mark Souder Sr. made the motion to hire Perry at an annual salary of $44,000 annually. Greg Richards seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Perry, certified in both water and wastewater, is also a registered code enforcement officer.
Perry, currently employed with the City of Hico, grew up in Glen Rose. He said his father and grandfather were both public works directors there.
Perry and his wife, Nora, have a daughter who turns six in June.