Courts building opens; thanks to all who served

The Ellis County Courts Administration Building and Jail expansion was completed on time and within budget for the people of Ellis County and the future generations.

In every generation there are things that happen that can change the tide and bring forth individuals that work for the good of all and not just for the benefit of themselves. These people are generally forced into action out of frustration and sometimes anger because of poor decisions made by those in leadership roles. William Arthur Ward said, “Leadership is based on inspiration, not domination, on cooperation, not intimidation.”

On June 3, 2010, Ellis County opened its new Courts Administration Building in down- town Waxahachie, one block east of the most photographed structure in Texas, the Ellis County Courthouse. This was a very exciting day for Ellis County and it came with many doubts and fears from our citizens because an attempt to build a new courts building in the past had failed. It was this failure that motivated me to run for public office. I had lost faith in the system and the ability for elected officials to make common sense decisions based on the needs of the people as a whole. I watched our County Government lean more toward hiding behind closed doors and protecting what one official said when seeking re-election, “This is my job.” Well, that person is not in office anymore. As a matter of fact, from the commissioner’s court that hid behind closed doors and attempted to build the pink elephant, only one remains — Commissioner Ron Brown. Only Mr. Brown knows what went on behind that door and I can say from what we have learned through the current construction process, the “pink flamingos” were worried more about cutting corners and saving money than having the will to do what was right for the whole County. Because of their lack of vision and true concern for the future generations, the voters were able to put into place a new commissioner’s court. This court may not have always agreed on issues, but they did have concern for the future of Ellis County and the future of its children.

A big thank you goes to my fellow court members Judge Chad Adams, Commissioner Dennis Robinson, Commissioner Larry Jones, Commissioner Bill Dodson and Commissioner Ron Brown for standing up and showing leadership by pushing hard for accountability on the “pink building.” The pink project was an embarrassment to the County and it would have been very easy to hide behind that closed door and finish that structure. It would have been very easy to continue to point the finger and blame the prior court for a failure. But, we still had a building that was too small and a danger to workers and constituents. I will admit we did not agree on all aspects of the process but, in the end, the right thing was done.

There was a group of men that came together from different backgrounds with no political agenda or selfish motivation. These men showed true courage and leadership because they were thrown into the lion’s den. They stood firm on doing what was best for all of the citizens of Ellis County. They are: Jon Davis, Larry Burns, Don Frisbee, Dave Risinger and the late J.B. Wilson, along with myself and Commissioner Ron Brown. This was the original Facilities Sub-Committee and boy did they take some heat. This group worked many hours studying the needs of the County and its projected population growth. They stood firm in looking at what would be the best for the County and not at who would benefit financially. They took an honest look at if the new facility would be better suited to stay in downtown Waxahachie or move out to the County Farm. Again, they stood firm and took criticism and personal attacks from residents and councilmen. However, they did not falter. This group did not always agree on issues, but they studied, evaluated the cost, and in the end chose its present location. I cannot leave off, Joe White and Clyde Melick, who spent hours researching information for the committee and preparing for meetings. Thanks!

Thank you to the City of Waxahachie for its commitment of the parking garage to the project. Without the leadership and cooperative efforts of Mayor Jay Barksdale, Joe Jenkins, Joe Gallo, Chuck Beatty, Buck Jordan and Ron Wilkinson this could not have happened and to the Historic Preservation Commission for their cooperation and willingness to concede some issues for the betterment for all of Ellis County. Paul Stephens and Mikel Scott need a big pat on the back for believing in the vision and working hard to keep the partnership together.

The Friends of Ellis County who worked many hours giving presentations about the bond election. People like Larry Burns, Ron Langenheader, Layne and Melissa Ballard, Harold Nolte and Mark Singleton. These folks gave of their time and money to help educate the public on this issue. The bond was one of the toughest issues facing the vision because the prior court through the issuance of Tax Anticipation Notes, which did not need voter approval, had burned the citizens of the County. One of the first things the members of the Facilities Sub-Committee agreed on was that the citizens of Ellis County would get to vote on the issue of new facilities or they would not be involved. Integrity goes a long way. Two members of the Court did not think it would pass; it did and that reassured me that when facts are laid on the table and the public is given the opportunity to review them, the right decision will be made. A special thank you goes to the people that saw the importance of the issue and exercised their right to vote. Whether you voted for or against, you stood up for freedom and proudly accepted your duty to protect the future generations. Thank You!

The doors are open and business is being done and as the old Courthouse has stood the test of time and through the controversy of her construction, we look back and say the leaders of that era had vision and leadership. They made a tough decision and all lost their next re-election but their decision could not have been based on selfish needs, they were looking forward to the future. For over 100 years their decision has served this County well and will continue to serve but in a lighter capacity. I can only hope that the new facility can stand the test of time. It is our responsibility, as a Commissioner’s Court, to ensure that the maintenance is done properly so that years down the road our next generation can be proud. I know there are many names not mentioned, but you know who you are and you should be proud of your work.

The following scripture sums up the last five years that brought about the new facility. Proverbs 11:14, “Where no wise guidance is, the people falleth; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” The Court showed wisdom by establishing the Facility Sub-Committee and through the integrity of these men that served, good council was provided.

Thanks and Blessings,
Heath Sims