Local student focuses on the environment
Meagan’s treasures — Local freshman, Meagan Hooker, traveled to Carrizo Springs, Texas this summer and learned about biology, ecology and general conservation. She is wanting to share this information with all of her fellow students at IHS. (Anne Sutherland)
Italy High School freshman, Meagan Hooker, was selected as one of 30 students to participate in the South Texas Buckskin Brigade camp in Carrizo Springs, Texas this June. Learning about wildlife, natural resources and land preservation, this 14 year old developed her leadership skills and refined her knowledge about conservation in Texas.
Meagan has been a busy girl this summer. Getting prepared for high school in the fall is just one of many things on her “to do” list. She learned valuable information about preserving wildlife and management over the summer as well. Meagan wants to share what she learned with her peer group, “I went to the South Texas Buckskin Brigade camp, a wildlife intensive leadership program. We worked with biologists from Texas A&M and other knowledgeable instructors in a career oriented program,” Meagan said. This camp is designed for ages 13-17 with different focuses within the wildlife arena.
Divided into separate, unique camps,The Bobwhite Brigade (quail), Buckskin Brigade (deer), Feathered Forces (quail and turkey) and the Bass Brigade (fish) gathered cadets from all over the state of Texas and in combination of teachings with nature hikes, firearm safety, watershed management, conservation, population dynamics, lectures, hands-on anatomy lessons, communication skills, and fellow hunting camaraderie, the students walked away feeling empowered to share their knowledge with everyone of all ages.
“I want to teach as many kids as I can and get the word out. I want other people to experience these lessons,” Hooker said. The local freshman really wants to be an ambassador for conservation and teach about preserving wildlife and talk with all different age levels. Meagan plans presentations at local banks, libraries, feed stores, boy scouts and biology class at school.
Any group that would like to learn about the Buckskin Brigades and what the instructors teach in this dynamic program, are encouraged to contact Meagan for more details at 972-217-5278 or email [email protected] or check out their website.
Along with a host of other lessons at this camp, one important one was the Silver Bullets, meaning special quotes taken from different leaders of our nation and famous people. The students are required to explain what each one means to them and Meagan chose:
The history of every nation is eventually written by the way in which it cares for its soil. Franklin Roosevelt
“If we don’t take care and be aware of what we have, it will eventually be gone. It won’t be there for our future,” Meagan explained.
Meagan’s mom, Andy, is so pleased with her daughter, “Every time she talks about this, she glows. Meagan is enjoying these studies and is really dedicated, fully involved and sees things in a whole new light. There has been so much learning and understanding.”
Meagan feels like she will take these lessons and use them through life. “These are amazing life skills and I will be able to use everything in my career. I made new friends and had amazing experiences. I recommend this camp to everyone,” she said with a smile.
Meagan’s future plans include studying biology at Texas A&M.