Agenda: Italy City Council Meeting, July 12, 2010
Agenda – page 1
There will be a regular meeting of the Italy City Council today, July 12, 2010 at 7:00pm. The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers of the Italy Municipal Building, 105 Main Street. The meeting is open to the public.
Agenda items:
- Gary Murrey with Murrey & Co., P.C. to present the City of Italy’s 2008-2009 Audit.
- Judy Rowe to address the Council regarding forming a committee to create more activities around the Tour D’Italia bike ride weekend.
- Randy Muirhead to address the Council regarding Italy Community Center and the McConnell Building.
- Discuss and consider the first reading Resolution No. R10-0712-01. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Italy, Texas, approving a type B Economic Development Project of the Italy Economic Development Corporation to provide financial incentives and expanded business development for economic development purposes, authorized pursuant to section 505.158 of the Texas Local Government Code, which project includes purchasing real estate in downtown Italy; and providing for an effective date.
- Discuss and consider necessary action(s) and the second reading of Resolution No. R10-0712-01. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Italy, Texas, approving a Type B Economic Development Project of the Italy Economic Development Corporation to provide financial incentives and expanded business development for economic development purposes, authorized pursuant to section 505.158 of the Texas Local Government Code, which project includes purchasing real estate in downtown Italy; and providing for an effective date.
- Discuss and consider necessary action(s) regarding Resolution No. R10-0712-02. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Italy, Texas, approving a Type B Economic Development Project of the Italy Economic Development Corporation to improve the Italy Community Center Facilities, authorized pursuant to section 505.152 of the Texas Local Government Code, which project includes purchasing real estate in downtown Italy; and providing for an effective date.
- Discuss and consider necessary action(s) regarding the approval of a new contract with Bowman H20 L.L.C. regarding the monthly operation of the wastewater treatment plant and the increase in price.
- Discuss and consider necessary action(s) regarding having a title search done regarding the easement at 501 Waco St.
- Discuss and consider necessary action(s) regarding choosing an engineer.