How About A Little Trip Before the end of August?
Smile for the camera — Located in Mackenzie Park in Lubbock, Prairie Dog Town was founded in 1935 with two pairs of black-tailed prairie dogs for fear of extinction. This little guy is just one of many residents in this town and everybody seems to be doing fine. (Anne Sutherland)
Longhorns and ranching — The National Ranching Heritage Center holds a lot of history for this area. The museum works on donations only and is a treasure in the Panhandle Plains. (Anne Sutherland)
Charles Hardin “Buddy” Holly — The Buddy Holly Center is designed to provide programs and exhibits on Texas music, contemporary visual arts and helps the public to discover art through music. Buddy was born in Lubbock in September 1936. (Anne Sutherland)
C.W. Post — Along Interstate 20, you will drive through Post, Texas, founded by the famous cereal maker. (Anne Sutherland)
Renewable energy and cotton — Wind farms are abundant in the western corridor of Texas. One of the largest farms in the nation is located in Roscoe County and cotton is still the king. (Anne Sutherland)