Agenda: Italy City Council Meeting – Monday, December 13, 2010
Agenda: December 13, 2010 Italy City Council Meeting Page 1
The Italy City Council will conduct its regular monthly meeting tonight, December 13, 2010. The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at 105 Main Street, Italy, Texas and will begin at 7:00pm.
Agenda items include:
- Discuss and consider necessary action(s) regarding Ordinance No. 10-1213-01, an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Italy, Texas, establishing regulations for peddlers and solicitors; establishing permit requirements; prohibiting solicitation in specific locations and after specific hours; prohibiting specific activities and conduct; providing for a penalty; providing legal protection to city officials and employees; providing a repealer clause; providing a severability clause; providing for publication; and providing for an effective date.
- Discuss and consider necessary action(s) regarding upgrading Well #1.
- Discuss and consider necessary action(s) regarding setting a called meeting with South Ellis County Water Supply to discuss the water request by Texas Best Smokehouse.
The meeting is open to the public.