Pizza!…Pizza Pie! deliveries have been postponed
Fresh pizzas — Pizzas made fresh by the youth of First Baptist Church-Italy will be delivered on Saturday, February 4th. Order yours now!!!
The Four13 Youth Ministry Pizza fundraiser has been postponed. Watch for announcements regarding new delivery dates. These youth thank you for your support.
The Four13 Youth Ministry group of the First Baptist Church-Italy will be delivering hand made pizzas on Saturday, February 4. These pizzas will be fresh and ready for your oven or can be frozen for another day. They also can be refrigerated for cooking during your Superbowl Sunday watch party on Sunday, February 5.
Deadline for ordering will be Friday, February 3, 2012.
Each cheese pizza will cost $10.00 with 10 toppings to choose from (these toppings can be added for an additional $1.00 per topping).
Topping selections:
- Cheese Only
- Hamburger
- Pepperoni
- Canadian Bacon
- Black Olive
- Mushroom
- Onion
- Bell Pepper
- Jalapeño
- and Pineapple
Pizzas will be delivered between 2:00pm and 4:00pm on Saturday, February 4th.
Orders can be made several ways:
- email-youth director, Michael Chambers ([email protected])
- telephone-Michael Chambers (214/794-7164)
- telephone-Jenna Chambers (972/921-4801)
- or order from any Four13 Youth Ministry member
Please submit one order form per pizza.