How about some spring activities?
One lone white bluebonnet — A rare albino bluebonnet stands out among the crowd. You can see these and many other wildflowers driving around Ennis on the Bluebonnet Trail. (Anne Sutherland)
Bluebonnets grow next to the water — The bluebonnets and indian paintbrushes nestle up to the bank of Bardwell Lake at Mustang Park. (Anne Sutherland)
Indian Paintbrush nestled amongst Bluebonnets (Anne Sutherland)
They’re back! — The wild ducks are back from their wintering place and enjoying their swim at the Bardwell Lake. (Anne Sutherland)
Can you identify this flower? — Photographed along the roadside in Ennis, this is a wildflower called Vetch. (Anne Sutherland)
Chautauquah Auditorium — Located in Getzandaner Park in Waxahachie, this charming building was built in 1902. Seating for plenty in the open air auditorium. (Gary Clark)
A little information — The landmark is located near the Chautauqua building. “Annie” will be presented here on May 6-8. Local talent from Italy will be performing as well. (Gary Clark)