Police Chief Diron Hill Sworn into office
Police Chief Diron Hill being sworn into office. (Cindy Sutherland)
At the City Council meeting Monday evening Diron Hill was sworn into office as the new Police Chief of Italy. The room was full of the new chief’s family and friends all there supporting him as he was sworn in.
City council minutes for June 13th, June 18th and June 27th were approved with Greg Richards’ motion, seconded by Dennis Perkins.
Joan Grabowski made a citizen’s comment regarding her concern that there were no notices given about the water ban and that one well was down. She said the only way she knew about the well being down was by reading the Neotribune, otherwise she would not have known. She also stated that she thought there was a grant that we could get a reverse 911 and in cases like this the community could be notified. Mayor Jackson replied, “We will look into the grant. Every business had a flyer about the well being down but we will do better next time in notifying the citizens.” Graowski went on to say that twice in two weeks there was a cab of a semi up her street and it is against the ordinance. Mayor Jackson said they would also look into this.
Judy Rowe also had a comment. She said that the cemetery road looks great. She was worried trees would be taken down and she really appreciated that they were not and the road is cleaned up and looks great.
Police Chief Hill gave his report on total hours worked for the month of June.
Total hours (including S.T.E.P.) worked by officers were 999.
Total hours worked by reserve officers were 53.
Total hours worked by Animal Control officer were 68.75.
Total hours worked were 1110.75
Italy Fire department had nineteen incident counts for the month of June.
Italy Police Department had 221 citations filed and five warrants cleared in the month of June.
City administrator,Teri Murdock said “We were very busy this month working on the water project and I am very happy with the progress we are making on the community center.”
Reappointing Joyce Hobbs to the Economic Development Corporation board was on the agenda and the City Council was in full agreement to keep her on the board.
The meeting ended with City Council members and Mayor Jackson welcoming Police Chief Hill to Italy.
All council members were present with the exception of Mark Souder Sr.