Passengers safe after bus catches fire and sparks dangerous grassfire near Italy

Image: The Italy Volunteer Fire Department deployed three fire engines to the scene of a passenger bus fire and a resulting grass fire around 11:00 a.m. on Friday. 

The Italy Volunteer Fire Department deployed three fire engines to the scene of a passenger bus fire and a resulting grass fire around 11:00 a.m. on Friday.  (Barry Byers)

Image: The bus fire sparked a grass fire that left several acres of land scorched beyond Highway 35.

The bus fire sparked a grass fire that left several acres of land scorched beyond Highway 35. (Barry Byers)

Image: Italy fire crews search for potential flare ups along the roadside.

Italy fire crews search for potential flare ups along the roadside. (Barry Byers)

Image: Italy firefighter, Jackie Cate, hoses down the blackened landscape.

Italy firefighter, Jackie Cate, hoses down the blackened landscape. (Barry Byers)

Image: Helms Garage tows away the passenger bus that was heading southbound toward Waco before catching fire.

Helms Garage tows away the passenger bus that was heading southbound toward Waco before catching fire. (Barry Byers)

Image: A closer look of the burned and melted bus. 

A closer look of the burned and melted bus.  (Barry Byers)

Image: Still checking for signs of flames as traffic slowly passes by on the highway.

Still checking for signs of flames as traffic slowly passes by on the highway. (Barry Byers)

Image: Italy firefighter, Brad Chambers, gets prepared to clear the scene.

Italy firefighter, Brad Chambers, gets prepared to clear the scene. (Barry Byers)

Image: Local fire departments worked in conjunction with the Texas Forest Service, temporarily stationed in Hillsboro during this current heat wave, to contain the grass fire before the winds could fuel its momentum.

Local fire departments worked in conjunction with the Texas Forest Service, temporarily stationed in Hillsboro during this current heat wave, to contain the grass fire before the winds could fuel its momentum. (Barry Byers)

Image: Italy firefighter, Brad Chambers, helps repair one of the gates the fire departments used to gain access into a nearby pasture.

Italy firefighter, Brad Chambers, helps repair one of the gates the fire departments used to gain access into a nearby pasture. (Barry Byers)

Image: Italy firefighter, Michael Chambers, helps the land owner tie the gate back into place.

Italy firefighter, Michael Chambers, helps the land owner tie the gate back into place. (Barry Byers)

Image: Italy volunteer firefighters, Brad Chambers, Michael Chambers and their father, Donald Chambers, turn in a fire report to the Texas Forest Service documenting which fire departments responded, the number of firefighters relied on and the total number fire engines needed.

Italy volunteer firefighters, Brad Chambers, Michael Chambers and their father, Donald Chambers, turn in a fire report to the Texas Forest Service documenting which fire departments responded, the number of firefighters relied on and the total number fire engines needed. (Barry Byers)


(Barry Byers)

Image: Italy fire crews continue to douse the country side.

Italy fire crews continue to douse the country side. (Barry Byers)

Image: Italy firefighter, Randy Boyd, drives while fellow firefighter, Jackie Cate, pours more water on a nearby pasture.

Italy firefighter, Randy Boyd, drives while fellow firefighter, Jackie Cate, pours more water on a nearby pasture. (Barry Byers)

Image: The Texas Forest Service, along with local fire departments, kept these horses safe and property damage to a minimum.

The Texas Forest Service, along with local fire departments, kept these horses safe and property damage to a minimum. (Barry Byers)

Image: The Texas Forest Service exits the pasture to return to Hillsboro. The TFS will remain in Hillsboro until enough rainfall dampens the region and reduces the risk of fast-spreading grass and wildfires.

The Texas Forest Service exits the pasture to return to Hillsboro. The TFS will remain in Hillsboro until enough rainfall dampens the region and reduces the risk of fast-spreading grass and wildfires. (Barry Byers)

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