Letter to the Editor: Request to Representative Joe Barton

Open Letter to all Citizens and Representative Joe Barton.

I have sent Representative Barton a request  to provide a summary of the Debt Bill just passed by the House. We have the right to know what our representative are voting on. We can only be informed citizens if we know what is going on in Washington, DC. In the past months of news coverage and talk about the debt limit I have yet to see a  summary description of what was being proposed, I think that this omission is a purposeful action by all politicians to try and keep us in the dark. I urge all citizens to make of similar request of Rep. Barton, it will be hard to ignore the request of a large number of his constituents. When the Senate has hammered out a counterproposal to the House bill, we should then make a similar request of our Senators.

This should not be something that has to be requested, our representative should post a summary of all bills that are up for vote.

Richard E Beason
Italy, Texas