Fields of Faith 2011 — Rained Out!


The Fields of Faith 2011 event has been postponed due to inclement weather and will be rescheduled.

It is estimated that more than 80% of youth who attend church will stop going between the 7th and 12th grades. It seems we are losing the spiritual battle in America. The questions that must be asked is if we have more ministry opportunities than ever before, why are we experiencing so many set backs in the spiritual realm?

In 2002, Oklahoma Fellowship of Christian Athletes area director, Jeff Martin, prayed about what to do with his heartfelt frustration regarding the temptations and spiritual battles facing our more “spectator generation” youth. God led him to 2 Chronicles 34 for the answer. King Josiah, an influential teenager, gathered his people and challenged them to read God’s Word. As a result, they changed their culture.

When a team is losing, they go back to fundamentals. They don’t make their game plan more complex. That was God’s answer to Jeff’s prayer: bring kids back to the fundamentals of the “game plan of life”, His Word. 

In 2004, The Josiah-influenced dream came true when more than 6,000 students gathered on school athletic fields throughout Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas for Fields of Faith. Through the student led events, more than 100 students made decisions for Christ. In 2005, 9,200 students gathered for the same purpose, and 372 made commitments to Christ.

In 2006, the annual Fields of Faith event went nation-wide, Wednesday, October 11th. It grew from just 3 states to over 35. It ballooned from 31 Fields to over 337 and impacted over 50,000 people!

2010 Results
Total Estimated Fields of Faith Attendance 81,432
Total Fields Organized 429
Total States 40

Out of the 196 fields that were reported, there were:

  • 3,278 Commitments to Christ
  • 4,980 Recommitments to Christ
  • 12,786 Commitments to the Bible

THE QUESTIONS REMAINS: What will the ITALY community’s stats be?
Fields of Faith
2011 Wednesday, October 12 @ 6:30
Grades 7-12

All community members are invited to attend and fill the stands for a night of worship. Please note, we will only allow students grades 7-12 on the field.