IYAA Appreciation Day honors “Volunteer of the Year” and “Citizen of the Year”
City of Italy’s Mayor Frank Jackson and city administrator Terri Murdock present Mark Stiles with the IYAA Day Proclamation plaque which also recognizes Stiles as “Citizen of the Year.” (Barry Byers)
IYAA President Gary Wood shakes hands with the City of Italy’s Mayor Frank Jackson who presents Wood with the IYAA Day Proclamation plaque which recognizes him as the Italy Youth Athletic Association’s “Volunteer of the Year.” (Barry Byers)
Along with City of Italy councilmen James Hobbs, Bruce Utley, Mayor Frank Jackson and city administrator Terri Murdock, Gary Wood displays the IYAA Day Proclamation which officially proclaims October 11 as IYAA Day within the City of Italy. (Barry Byers)
IYAA volunteers and family members share in the proceedings proclaiming October 11 as IYAA Day. (Barry Byers)
Guests enjoyed a Gladiator cake provided by the City of Italy. (Barry Byers)
City of Italy employees Becky Boyd and Clarice Short serve cake and punch to those attending the event. (Barry Byers)
IYAA student athletes Gary Wood and Ty Cash waste no time enjoying the desserts of their labor. (Barry Byers)
Congratulations to IYAA President Gary Wood who displays the “IYAA Volunteer of the Year” trophy, with his name engraved on it, and the IYAA Day Proclamation plaque.
“Citizen of the Year,” Mark Stiles and “IYAA Volunteer of the Year,” Gary Wood, display their IYAA Day proclamation plaques and trophies.