Community Transit Service available in Italy
Lynn with CTS usually works in the office but was driving the bus today because they were short some drivers. Lynn hopes to serve lots of folks in Italy and surrounding towns. (Cindy Sutherland)
Did you ever wish the trains still ran in Italy? You could just buy a ticket, put your car keys away and be transported to your doctors appointment or to a restaurant for a meal or go shopping and not have to drive. Well, the trains of course aren’t running here but there is a new service available for Italy, Milford and surrounding towns. It is the Community Transit Service out of Corsicana, Texas.
CTS (Community Transit Service) was developed to provide efficient and safe transportation for the general public. It also provides service for persons with disabilities. This is a curb to curb service, they pick you up at your door and drop you back at your door. You can’t beat that!
This is the way it works:
You call for a reservation. You need to make your reservation forty-eight hours in advance of your desired trip. If you need a ride back you need to schedule the time that you wish to return at the same time you make your reservation. To make a reservation call: 903-872-2405. Reservations must be made between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM and the buses run from 5:00 AM to 5:30 PM.
When making your reservation you will be asked for all addresses of pick up and drop off points, your arrival and departure time and any special accommodations you may require.
Customers should be ready and waiting just inside the entrance door or other pre-arranged location at the scheduled time. If you are unable to meet the CTS bus at the scheduled location or scheduled time you are required to call CTS and let them know two hours in advance. If they cannot pick you up on your scheduled time they will make every effort to let you know of the change.
CTS prohibits smoking, eating and drinking, playing personal radios without earphones, disruptive or violent behavior, illegal drugs and weapons on the buses. This is to ensure the safety and comfort of all passengers and bus driver.
Children sixteen and younger are required to be escorted by an adult. Children seven years old and younger and under 4’9" are required to be in a safety seat. Both the escort and child will pay regular fare.
Cost is as follows:
$10.00 for a bus ticket which covers you for ten one way trips.
$2.00 each trip in city limits one way.
$3.00 each trip one way city to city.
50 cents per mile county to county (Ellis/Navarro counties only).
This service does not go into Dallas, it only covers Navarro and Ellis counties.
If you have any questions you can call them at 903-872-2405 and they will cheerfully help you any way they can.
So, if you have a doctor’s appointment, or need to go somewhere and need a ride, just give them a call and let someone else do the driving!