IYAA C-Team to represent Italy during the 2011 NESA Superbowl games in Ferris

Image: The IYAA C-Team Gladiators (K-2nd grades) defeat the Scurry Wildcats 12-7 and advance to the 2011 Nesa Superbowl to be held in Ferris on Saturday, November 19. Game starts at 10:00 a.m. between Italy and Ferris.

The IYAA C-Team Gladiators (K-2nd grades) defeat the Scurry Wildcats 12-7 and advance to the 2011 Nesa Superbowl to be held in Ferris on Saturday, November 19. Game starts at 10:00 a.m. between Italy and Ferris. (Barry Byers)

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