Special Meeting called by Avalon Water and Sewer Service Corp.
Letter read by Carol Gillespie at AWSSC meeting. – page 1
The Avalon Water and Sewer Service Corporation (AWSSC) met Thursday evening for a special meeting to decide on contracting with KSA Engineers, contracting with Dean Carrell and to hear a statement by Carol Gillespie (land owner) concerning the the sewer plant.
Carol Gillespie stood up and read her written statement about her concerns about her land, and her concerns related to the sewer plant. Her letter is attached.
Dean Carrell (consultant for AWSSC) came forward to tell his exciting news of possibly being able to continue using the old sewer plant and not having to build a new one. Carrell said, “After tearing down the sewer pipes and putting them back together, making repairs along the way and with the equipment we now have I think we might not have to build a new sewer plant, we might be able to use the one we already have. I have talked with Scott Hoelzle (director KSA Engineers) about this. He will run the numbers on the sewer water and if he thinks the numbers are good, we will then put them before the TCEQ and see if they approve.”
Discussion on the preliminary design and estimated cost on an expanded plant was tabled until KSA Engineers could run numbers and see if they still need the expansion.
A vote by the board was taken on whether to contract with KSA Engineers and it was unanimously approved as was the vote to contract with Dean Carroll.
Before the close of the meeting John Goodman resigned his post as vice-president of the board effective February 8th.