IHS Theatre students to perform Kamikaze Kate for UIL One-Act-Play competition

Image: Cast and crew
    Top Row (L-R)-Drenda Burk, Tia Russell, Gus Allen, Hayden Woods, Kayltyn Bales, Megan Richards
    Middle Row (L-R)-Susanna Rodriquez, Yesenia Rodriquez, Jameka Copeland, Kaitlyn Smith, Reagan Adams
    Front Row (L-R)-Alma Suaste, Monseratt Figeuroa, Meagan Hooker and director Andrea Windham
    Not Pictured-Destani Anderson, assistant director

Cast and crew
Top Row (L-R)-Drenda Burk, Tia Russell, Gus Allen, Hayden Woods, Kayltyn Bales, Megan Richards
Middle Row (L-R)-Susanna Rodriquez, Yesenia Rodriquez, Jameka Copeland, Kaitlyn Smith, Reagan Adams
Front Row (L-R)-Alma Suaste, Monseratt Figeuroa, Meagan Hooker and director Andrea Windham
Not Pictured-Destani Anderson, assistant director (Gold Rush staff)

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